Chocolate Orange Truffles

Tis’ the season for Gingerbread and Sugar, and all things sweet πŸ˜€

I don’t know how it started, the tradition of baking cookies and making sweet delicacies…sharing with family, friends and neighbors. Heck, it is the time everyone gives! Of course this is the time I make tonnes of the Lemon Raspberry Thumbprint cookies as well πŸ˜‰ and send it to all I can think of, of give to friends and family, send some with my husband for his coworkers…. 

Over time, Truffles have become a good gift as well… small bits of heaven are exactly what they are. I always thought they are hard to make…. But I came across this recipe from the blog Eat Good 4 Life– my favorite blog to go to when I want to try something new πŸ˜‰ She has few truffle recipes… and they seemed pretty easy. So I decided to try her Dark Chocolate and Orange Truffles… although I did not have dark chocolate at hand… so I used mix of bittersweet and semi sweet…. mm mm mmmm…. yum!! 

Here is the recipe

Chocolate and Orange Truffles: 
adapted from Eatgood4life

1 lb semisweet chocolate chips
1 cup heavy cream
2-3 tablespoon triple sec, more if you like
1 tablespoon real orange extract

1 -2 cups of cocoa powder ( I used Dutch Unprocessed) or Shredded unsweetened Coconut or nuts.


1. In a sauce pan heat the heavy cream until boiling point. Watch because it will boiled over very easily.

2. Place chocolate chips in a glass bowl and pour heavy cream over. 

3.  Immediately start mixing with a whisk until the Ganache is formed. Pour liquor and incorporate well

4. Cover with plastic wrap and store in the fridge until firm. I kept it for atleast 2 hours. Although I think I should have left it more… it was firm… but when I started to roll them, they turned soft (warmth of the palms)

5. Roll balls and coat with favorite covering such as shredded coconut or cocoa powder. I basically dropped a scoop of chocolate in cocoa powder (since rolling in palms was making them soft)…rolled it in there and then rolled it in my hand. This removed the excess powder and made the truffles round.


MIND BLOWING…. Orange and Chocolate is always a good combo…. They might not have turned perfect round shape… But for my first time, I am absolutely satisfied with the way they turned out πŸ˜€ I did put them back in the fridge until anyone wanted to eat. Technically they should be at room temp… but we ate them right out of the fridge πŸ˜‰

Since this is a basic recipe…it can be made using any flavors, or can be coated with anything you have on hand. 

I thought it was hard to make truffles… but I tell you guys… it is one of the easiest thing!!

Try it out!

Until next time

Cheers =)  

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